Many foodie blogs tell stories of how the first attempt was always a bit of a, as you can imagine, I wasn't very hopeful. But to my surprise, it wasn't a complete disaster ;)
I used a very classic recipe with nothing fancy...
Here are some photos I managed to take while precariously balancing a hand-mixer in one hand, and a piping bag in the other:
piped onto the baking parchment (a bit higgledy-piggledy, I know ;) )
out of the oven!
after a LOT of mixing, the cream finally peaked! :)
and...the final product! mmm...just look at that chocolatey gooey-ness...
Et, voila! Although I had to be pretty meticulous about the measurements (make sure you are very exact!!), it really paid off, and the profiteroles tasted quite nice, if I say so myself...piped with sweetened whipping cream, smothered in melted chocolate and then topped off with another dollop of cream :)
I'll definitely be making them again, and soon, do let me know any special tips you have to make them even better...